Friday, May 1, 2009

Sick Sick Sick

Whoever invented the idea of carrying around a growing child in your stomach for 40 long weeks and did nothing to prevent the carrier from getting sick, really messed things up. People should never have to be pregnant and SICK!

Life would be so wonderful if I could carry this child around in a state of bliss, feeling better than I do not pregnant (and yes, I know there are people out there like this but I am not one of them). In rounding out to 8 weeks remaining, I have perhaps a cold? Perhaps the flu. Not sure. What I do know is that I cannot stop coughing, my throat hurts and my voice sounds like I am dying. AND let me tell you that getting sick when swine flu is out there is even WORSE.

My little friend Owen is sick along with me. We took him to the doctor yesterday and they said "it will run its course in about another week". Same news for me today. I thought I had strep - nope. Just a virus like everyone else. I had to sit in the waiting room in a panic however, everyone was wearing a mask, coughing, sniffling, talking about swine flu. People were calling and the end of the conversation I sat listening to went like this: "So you just got back from Mexico?", "Ok, and what are the symptoms." "Please hold"...."I just spoke with the nurse and she said if you have been in contact with a confirmed case then you need to come in, when you do make sure you use the back door and put on a mask before you come in."

Please let me be done before the person that returned from Mexico arrives.

So here we sit waiting for our coughs to run their course, they better hurry it along. I am not amused.


Heather Jones said...

Jen I am sorry you are sick I agree if we are pregnant let us be healthy. I got a cold two months before Dyson came and it did not go away till he was born. They had to give me cough medicine so I could sleep. Then the doc said as soon as the baby is born you should get better. Two days after he came I was great. I hope you get better soon I love reading your fun posts!!

Hansen Family Blog said...

Things you can do to stop coughing without dangerous medicines:
Hot Lemon Tea- Just hot water and lemon juice, I use this also when my voice hurts before preforming.

A spoon full of Organic Honey with some paprika- The honey has natural immunities and also coats your throat. The paprika makes your mucus break up.

Garlic and vitamin C

There are lots of others out there, but these are the ones that have helped me.

I hope you get feeling better.