There was no throwing up on the plane, the kids survived a 4 hour drive to St. George with minimal issues, (thank heavens for electronics), I survived swimming, we loved our hotel, I ate a lot of forbidden foods and my blood glucose levels stayed in range (that was worth celebrating), we had nice weather, we found a fun park to play at, Owen LOVED being with his cousins, I did the hearing I went to do and ultimately rejoiced in the fact that I don't practice bankruptcy law in Utah, Ryan survived being teased by Owen, and Owen survived being blamed for things he didn't do.
A little taste of what I mean:
A little taste of what I mean:
Owen: Ryan, your name is Toadee
Ryan: I am not Toadee!
Owen: You are Toadee.
Ryan: I am not Toadee!!
Owen: You are Toadee.
Ryan: MY NAME IS RY-RY, I AM NOT TOADEE! (enter tears)
Owen: You are Toadee.
Ryan: (continued tears)..MOM, I AM RY-RY, NOT TOADEE!! crying, tears flowing.
Owen: (still remaining calm) You are Toadee.
Ryan: (yelling and crying). NO!!
You get the picture.
Ryan getting back at Owen: (or perhaps Owen's conversation was payback to Ryan, you know, it is like the chicken and the egg)
** All 4 kids were sitting at the counter eating dinner, Owen, not used to high bar stools, tips over falling backwards and hitting his head. I pick him up and hold him, kiss him and comfort him and put him back on the stool. Ryan, on the other side of the counter, starts to cry as he is eating his dinner. We ask very confused, "What is wrong?" Ryan responds with a certainty in a voice, "Owen pushed me!".
We miss the cousins and I miss my sister! Thanks for a great time!!
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