1. Flies suck. They are gross. Only one thing sucks more than a fly. Two flies. And only one thing sucks more than two flies. Two flies mating on the kitchen counter. Do flies do that kind of thing? I knowI could look it up, but I am afraid I may see or learn something that will scar me for life. I don't really want to know. I do know what I saw however, and I wasn't getting close enough to verify. It wasn't pretty. I pulled out the bleach cleaner and tried to murder them. It was all I could do.
2. No more grace. I just got up off the couch and felt like a bug stuck on its back. That is not cool.
3. Baby meet new toys. Greg and Owen went out to ride the lawn mower. I sat inside with toys on my tummy. Owen wanted baby sister to have some toys while he was gone and placed them on my stomach. At first I had three, then he decided he liked the monkey best and took it back.
I am so excited for this new little one to come into the world. You are going to be amazed at how much your love expands and grows to include this beautiful little girl. It will be a great adventure! Owen is so sweet - he will be a wonderful big brother! Love you tons and tons,
Aunt Cathy
That is so adorable that he puts toys on your belly for the baby... ha! Very cute!
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