Saturday, September 1, 2012

11 months

That wee little thing turned 11 months old the other day.  We are just one month shy of turning 1.  We have decided she is definitely the nerd of the bunch and sort of weird in an adorably cute kind of way. 

She crawls all over the place, goes up and down stairs, stands up from the ground, moves around with furniture and took 6 steps the other day.  She coughs when she needs a drink and waves her hands around when she wants something.  She is still wearing mostly 6-12 month clothes, and on occasion, 3-6 month clothes. She has 3 teeth, the bottom front two and the top side fang tooth.  We have three others that have just poked through, the top two front teeth and the other side fang tooth.  We are happy for those front teeth, that side fang tooth is not helping her oddness in any way.  She decided yesterday that she doesn’t like long sleeves with something tight on her wrist and works very hard to pull her arm out.  I am not sure I am ready for her to care what she wears at 11 months.  Ben showed me a picture of him reading to Rylee the other day and I laughed at the the idea of Autumn sitting through a book.  She may not sit through a book, but she did try to play Uno with us the other night.  She had a pile of cards and kept throwing her cards into a pile she created.  Owen and I loved that.  She loves her binky and her “special blanket”.  Her blanket is big and she drags it around and gathers it up. 

She is still on a very restrictive diet (as am I, and although I am often starving for something super delicious, I am in the best shape I have ever been in – thanks to boot camp and a serious lack of processed foods).  She has eczema on her feet and legs and it seems a small amount of corn results in sleepless itchy nights and flare-ups on her legs and feet.  It is really hard and there have been a few times when I actually thought, “it is just skin, she will live” because the energy of trying to trace back something she or I ate that may or may not have contained corn was just too difficult for my brain at that time.   She does eat a lot of nectarines, peas, potatoes, olives, apples and blueberries.  I believe her favorite would have to be the blueberries, case in point: we went to a farmer’s market today and bought a pint of blueberries. She ate the entire thing herself as we walked the market. 

She mostly loves Owen and Ivy, maybe more Owen than Ivy, but that is Ivy’s fault.  Hard to love the one that is dragging you across the driveway because you started to cry and that one decided to bring you to mom.  The three of them ride around the kitchen on their cars.  Ivy drives in the front, baby in the middle and Owen last.  They tie their three cars together with a rope and ride in a chain.  She LOVES it and thinks she is so neat. 

She kind of is.  



Momma J said...

Such cute pictures and such a great storyteller makes for a super fun read! Thanks for keep this blog goin. I feel like I'm right there with your family!

BYU Hottie said...

So cute! It's fun to read your posts. Isn't that top fang tooth the same thing Ivy had?
Yay for growing and having personality! :)