Sunday, March 20, 2011

18 Months (a little late)

I just found Ivy’s 18 month stats in a big stack of papers that have been sitting on my desk way too long!!

Height: 32 1/4 – 67% (she grew a ton!)

Weight: 21.5 lbs – 10%

She is a little devil that girl.  She loves to do things I tell her not to do.  She takes things she is not supposed to have and hides them behind her back or folds her arms and just stares at me.  She climbs on everything and loves to push the kitchen chairs around to get into the fridge or high cupboards.  She loves to dance around naked and especially so when I let Owen dance around with her.  She likes her hair in ponytails only so she can take them out.  She is finally talking a lot more.  She probably even says more than I know but half the time I can’t understand her.  She is warming up in her music class, but mostly just stands there looking at the kids like she is too cool to dance in front of people.  She is obsessed with people having what belongs to them.  She follows Evan around when they are the house together trying to give him his blankets, socks, food, water bottle, etc.  She thinks Greg’s car key is mine and she can’t stand it when she finds it with his stuff.  She pretends to call Nona (Angie) on the phone everyday and last night I think she actually had a conversation with her.  (I think she called, said hi, told her she was eating broccoli with mama and then said goodbye).  She picks out her clothes all the time and in fact, I have finally given up buying clothes without her there to say ok.  If I buy it and she doesn’t like it, she will not wear it.   She always seems to be dirty and she has some of the most crooked teeth I have ever seen. 

She has little smiley eyes I adore and despite the trouble she is ALWAYS causing, she has me hooked.  IMG_8159



Kathi and Bob said...

What a sweetheart!

Cathy said...

She is darling and growing up way too fast! I'm so glad that we get to share in these milestones through your blog. Thanks for taking the time (even when you don't feel good) to share with all of us!
Love you,
Aunt Cathy