Sunday, March 27, 2011

Those Darn Birds

I have never been interested in playing Angry Birds.  I keep hearing about it but it hasn’t really been something I cared about.  After all, I haven’t really been interested in playing video games for awhile.  BUT! Owen has been playing Angry Birds and he made me play.  I didn’t want to, but I did it for him.  (I swear).  And now, an entire iPod’s battery worth, I forced myself to put it down.  I need to do other things!! 

Like laundry.  My family gets dressed out of laundry baskets that I don’t put away.  Owen ran around the house the other day dancing and singing a song that went a little like this.   “I do not have any undies, I cannot find my undies, Mom have you seen my undies, la la la la la.”  It was awesome.  He was probably right.  How can you have undies when the undone pile looks like this. 


Or perhaps I could shower and get dressed for the day…nah.  No one is affected by the lack of a shower on a cloudy Sunday.

I could pick up the house.  Our house cleaner just came on Wednesday, and I am afraid you would never know, well other than the fact that you no longer stick to the floor where there used to be grape juice which Owen was pouring for him and Ivy and subsequently spilled and cleaned up to the best of his ability.  Other than that minor detail, the house needs a lot of attention. 

I could feed my kids.  They are eating leftover pizza from last night.  They got it themselves.  I wouldn’t mind feeding them, but I opened the fridge this morning and it was too much, I couldn’t hold it back and started throwing up.  I smell their bread, same thing happens.  Yesterday they ate frozen chicken they warmed up themselves and then came upstairs smelling like ketchup: threw up.  This morning they went downstairs to eat pizza (yes twice in one day) while Greg and I laid in the bed.  We chatted while I played Angry Birds.  Eventually Owen came upstairs and said, “can one of you please take care of Ivy, she is eating too slow and I have to poop".  Now if that doesn’t make you feel guilty, I don’t know what does. 

Here he is buttoning up her coat as they load up to go to Costco.


I could really do a lot of things, but this pregnancy, the fact that I am still so sick, and the trip I forced myself to take to the zoo on Friday have taken every last bit of energy I can muster up.  So, I will continue to take advantage of how wonderful Greg is and I will rest and play Angry Birds endlessly during my two days of the week that I can pretend I have no responsibilities while he is here.  And when tomorrow comes I will resume my duties again.  Of course it will be at a minimum and I will hope and pray that as I move into week 14, that I throw up and play Angry Birds a little less,  and that I do things around the house and take care of my kids a little more. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

18 Months (a little late)

I just found Ivy’s 18 month stats in a big stack of papers that have been sitting on my desk way too long!!

Height: 32 1/4 – 67% (she grew a ton!)

Weight: 21.5 lbs – 10%

She is a little devil that girl.  She loves to do things I tell her not to do.  She takes things she is not supposed to have and hides them behind her back or folds her arms and just stares at me.  She climbs on everything and loves to push the kitchen chairs around to get into the fridge or high cupboards.  She loves to dance around naked and especially so when I let Owen dance around with her.  She likes her hair in ponytails only so she can take them out.  She is finally talking a lot more.  She probably even says more than I know but half the time I can’t understand her.  She is warming up in her music class, but mostly just stands there looking at the kids like she is too cool to dance in front of people.  She is obsessed with people having what belongs to them.  She follows Evan around when they are the house together trying to give him his blankets, socks, food, water bottle, etc.  She thinks Greg’s car key is mine and she can’t stand it when she finds it with his stuff.  She pretends to call Nona (Angie) on the phone everyday and last night I think she actually had a conversation with her.  (I think she called, said hi, told her she was eating broccoli with mama and then said goodbye).  She picks out her clothes all the time and in fact, I have finally given up buying clothes without her there to say ok.  If I buy it and she doesn’t like it, she will not wear it.   She always seems to be dirty and she has some of the most crooked teeth I have ever seen. 

She has little smiley eyes I adore and despite the trouble she is ALWAYS causing, she has me hooked.  IMG_8159


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It just got worse

I woke up today and threw up.  I took my Zofran, which by the way, now seems to be lessening in its effectiveness, it used to carry me a day or two, but now, it is as though I didn’t take it.  As I was waiting by the sink to continue throwing up, I noticed something outside on the ground out of the corner of my eye.  My contacts weren’t in and granted I can’t see my own face in the mirror without them,  but I saw movement, movement I didn’t want to see.  I moved slowly to the back kitchen door and through my fuzzy vision, I saw the undeniable outline of a big black RAT.  A rat, are you kidding me.  Not even a mouse, but a gigantic rat.  I yelled for Greg to come and look at the darn thing on the small chance that my contact-less eyes were making things up and what I thought was a rat was actually a small kitten or a large bird.  No luck – a confirmed RAT.  As the beast scurried around the fallen birdseed we sat inside and shivered up our spines wishing that had not happened.

Orkin is on their way.  $130.00 initial service fee and then a year-long contract.  They will treat today with rat traps, bait, etc.  They clean the traps and will take care of the rats for me.  They also do a full inspection of the house and a consult about any fixings that need to be done to help secure the house from pests, and not just the furry ones either, all the others that I hate. 

The wonderful people should arrive within the hour and oh how happy I will be to turn the rat over to them for $130.00.  I so would have paid more, but don’t tell them that!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Oh how I adore him…


I don’t know what I would do without him. We have our moments of contention.  Those times when he he reminds me that he is 5.  He tests the limits, he bothers Ivy, he yells at his dad all the time, he has his own ideas but oh he is sweet. 

I was sick last night and he was worried and told me to try to eat something.  He suggested a quesadilla and informed me he would make it.  I REALLY didn’t want to eat anything, but I told him I would have one.  He got out the tortillas, the cheese, the cheese grater and a plate.  He ran upstairs to ask Greg to help him grate the cheese.  I laid on the couch like a lump and he said his dad was coming to help.  And then I heard some rustling around, I heard the microwave open and turn on.  He yelled down to ask me if I wanted some ranch with it.  I heard the pizza cutter rolling across a plate.  He said he figured it out and it was done.  He brought me down a perfectly cooked and cut quesadilla, one that he made ALL by himself.  I gobbled it up – how could I not?  He pet my head and told me that I won’t be sick much longer. 

I adore that kid.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 10

I wish I were one of those people who enjoyed being pregnant, I truly do.  When I am not pregnant I swear that the next time I am, you will see me living in the moment and taking what comes and enjoying what is happening.  When I am pregnant, I realize that is a lot of crap from myself.  I do not enjoy the stuff that comes at week 10.   

I blog about this with a lot of guilt.  The small voice inside my head reminds me that I am lucky to be in this position, that there are people who can’t get pregnant (having taken 2 years to get pregnant with Ivy, I have been there).  I can get pregnant, I should enjoy it, I should take it all in, especially considering this is the last time.  (I can say that very confidently.)  But I can’t.  I just don’t feel very sunny during this time, and that is hard for me.

Owen informed me yesterday that our house is always a mess.  He is right, I barely lift a finger.  The kids fed themselves the other day because EVERYTHING they eat makes me throw up.  They got themselves granola bars, pudding, chips, sandwiches, and chocolate.  They ran around naked later that same day.  Every child’s dream day. 

I strongly dislike taking the Zofran.  What if it isn’t as safe as they all think?  But I know, throwing up everything that goes in has it risks, so I will take the medicine as needed so that I can be a partially functioning member of society. 

I ate crackers, sour gummy worms and a nectarine yesterday. 

And with the sour tone to my post, I will end by acknowledging that I know people have it worse than me, in the past the sickness has subsided by about week 20.  I know there are those who are sick till the end.  I am not saying my life is worse than theirs, I am just saying that I like to do the things I do and feel the way I like feeling.  A blip in the system throws me for a loop and I just don’t do well with it. 

Well, 1/4 of the way done and here is to hoping that I feel better and the sunny feelings return to my spirit soon!