Thursday, March 25, 2010

Why is it?

I pack my lunch for work.  A sandwich, some crackers, some chocolate chips for a snack, even maybe an apple or two. Each time I pack a lunch Ben begins asking me within the hour of arriving at work what I want for lunch.  I promptly tell Ben that I don't need a lunch, that I brought my own. 

Well today I did not pack ANYTHING.  Not a problem, I told myself as I left for the day.  Ben will get me some lunch. 

Here it is 2:44 and I have been begging Ben to get us some lunch for hours!  I have no doubt that if I had my trusty little lunch box by my feet, I would have heard the lunch question all day.  But here I sit with no lunch and Ben reading about healthcare on the Internet, while I starve. 

Some might ask why I don't go get my own lunch, and to that I respond: That would be absurd.  (really, I cannot leave as I have only a minute between appointments.  In fact, the next one just arrived.)

So while I meet with them, I will continue to wonder why today is the first day ever that Ben has not cared about lunch. 

1 comment:

BYU Hottie said...

Brothers! I tell ya.... :)