Monday, March 29, 2010


I miss Ranch dressing.  In my quest to not eat dairy to assure I get sleep (boy I sound selfish, I really stopped eating dairy to relieve her misery, I just benefit with sleep as well).  I don’t get to have Ranch dressing.  Truth be told I have had a few salads with Ranch.  I can’t be expected to eat lettuce by itself and finding a replacement dressing has been hard.

I do love Italian from the Olive Garden…but it has milk and eggs.  I tried honey mustard, not so yummy.  I tried some raspberry something or another and again, not so yummy.  I tried some oil and vinegar something and it was really quite hideous. 

And then it came to me – LEMONS! I tried a little lemon and a little lime and I had instantly found my replacement for Ranch.  So yummy!! 

I always knew I loved lemons and now I can love them more. 

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