Thursday, August 6, 2009

Where to Start?

There is so much to do. Clean. Change cat box. Catch up on work. Put away laundry. Free up more time on the DVR. Spend time with Greg. Sleep. I don't know where to start. There is only one thing to do: BLOG.
Ivy: She is 5 weeks and 2 days. It is amazing how fast time goes by when the baby is here. She is a good baby and just like her brother, she enjoys to be held (all the time, in fact, she is sleeping on my legs as I type). She is smiling a lot and has been for 2 weeks. She sleeps soundly at night as long as she is snuggled in the bed with the rest of us. Greg, then Owen, then me, then her, there we all are. If we have decided anything about our future purchases, it is that a king size bed is in the works. Rather than removing the children, we will just buy a bigger bed. Not sure how we go from 4 in the bed back to 2 in the bed but before long, I wouldn't be surprised if 4 in the bed becomes 3 in the bed as Greg continues to eye Owen's very empty bed.

He turned 4 yesterday. Nothing but trouble here. He is still a wild child. I am curious if his voice got louder after Ivy was born or if my ears became more sensitive. There is so much to say about Owen, about the things we have done and the things he has said, but in the spirit of needing some sleep, just a few will make it today. 1) Greg's new nickname of the week - Dadwell. and 2) My dad took us on a mini-trip this past weekend. On our way there Owen asked: "Mom, are we going to the Great Wall of Fudge?". I looked at Greg and asked, "Did he just say the Great Wall of Fudge?". Greg replied, "I think he did". In a confused state, I responded to Owen, "No, we are going to the Great Wolf Lodge." And as I said it out loud, I realized it does sound like Great Wall of Fudge. The Great Wolf Lodge (indoor waterpark/hotel) was fun, but can you imagine how exciting it would be to go to the Great Wall of Fudge? Mmmm.

His birthday party on Saturday was fun, his birthday yesterday not so much as we made a trip to the doctor to rule out an ear infection for him. However, by the evening, he was feeling a little better, and enough so that he could sing Happy Birthday to himself with the rest of us.


He has discovered he does not have sea legs. Greg was most excited for the Tuesday salmon fishing trip down in Long Beach. As I slept soundly, I got word back through a text from Angie that Greg was the first to puke in the open water as the fishing boat made its way further from shore and out into the ocean. I think Dadwell will stick with river fishing (for a complete rundown of the boat trip, see Angie's blog).

Life has felt a little crazy for the last 5 weeks and 2 days, but now that the guests have all returned home and the worst heatwave ever in the state is over, I am ready for some sense of normal. While I am still not sure what that is, I do know this: I am ready to put Owen to bed at a reasonable time, rather than 11:00 (or often later). I am ready to assure Owen eats something good for him, rather than picking up fries and a frosty one time too many and I am ready to start participating fully in my yoga class.

In summary: Ivy is so sweet, the bed is crowded, Owen makes me laugh, Greg is not boating in the ocean, I am going to take care of the kids and do yoga. (oh, and practice taking self-portraits without cutting the children's face out of the picture).



Momma J said...

Jen - as always, I laughed while reading your blog. I'd say from my own past experience, that you are doing remarkably well. I love you all...this too will pass, way too soon!

Heather Jones said...

You are so funny, I laughed also. You are crazy too I can't believe you can sleep with your kids in your bed! I can't ever fall asleep if they are in my bed. So therefore they never are. Unless they are new And i fall asleep nursing! I for sure think you deserve a bigger bed! The kids are darling and it sounds like all is going well! heath

Geoffrey said...

What fun pictures, and I love your sense of humor! I can't believe how much Ivy has changed just since I saw her! It is great to get the updates and see new pictures. Thanks so much for sharing and making me laugh too. It is fun to share in the stories I miss by not being there all the time. So thanks again for blogging!

Jen A. said...

Congrats on baby Ivy!! She is beautiful. I am so happy for your little family. It sounds like "Life is Good".
Take Care,