Owen will have a SISTER. Everything looked great, the baby measured right where she (that still sounds weird to me) should be. The due date is the same, July 1.
I must admit, I am feeling a little apprehensive to have a girl. Actually, I am feeling the same feelings that I felt when they said Owen was a boy, now it is just opposite. There is also a part of me that is feeling a little scared, wondering how could I possibly love a second baby as much as Owen. I have heard the stories... your love multiplies. I believe it. I don't think I know many people that actually love one of their children more than another, except my mother who may put Emilee at the front. HA HA HA HA - JUST KIDDING MOM.
I know these thoughts are irrational and crazy, just pre-2nd baby jitters. Actually, even more than the fact that I know I am nuts.....I also know in my heart the baby will fit right it and I will instantly wonder how we ever lived without her.
She is already swallowing and has Hiccups-how cute!! I love her profile too-congrats on a girl!! I am so jealous-but wouldn't trade any of my boys!! It is true you will love her just as much as you love Owen, now he will probably take a while to get used to her!!
I am so excited for you! Girls are fun. they have more attitude than boys and allot of mood swings even when they are little. Well mine does. I am really excited for you!
Jen- Congrats to you, Greg, and Owen. Wonderful news indeed!
Yea! We L-O-V-E girls and I'm glad that Miss H will have a playmate when the big kids are busy running around and being crazy.
Jen congrats that is super news! Girls are fun and boys are fun, they are just different. It seems like my girls are more independent at this early age and Tommy is my mommy's boy (it's ok at this age) Enjoy having one of each. It is true your love will multiply like the Grinch at the end of the book.
Yeah!! That is so much fun I am so happy for you. You will love it now you can have your girl fun while the boys do sports right!! Congrats guys
Woo hoo! A girl! Will you still name her "Harold" like Owen wants? :) Yay for you. :)
-Beth Farnsworth Reeves :)
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