Thursday, January 29, 2009

How can I sleep at a time like this?

No, my lack of ability to sleep is not the result of my pending ultrasound tomorrow. No, it is not the hours and hours of work I have to do. It is not even the horrible pain in my elbow that makes me question whether the pins holding it together have ceased to work.

The cause of my growing anxiety is the fact that OWL's EYE FELL OUT. Owen threw Owl off a very high ledge tonight - just something to do when you are three. He hit the hard floor and pop, the eye broke from its hinges and fell out. We were ready for bed and snuggled together when I glanced down at owl. It was at that time I almost stopped breathing. I screamed "OH NO". Owen looked down and came close to hyperventilating. He started crying. I grabbed the little guy (owl, not Owen) and raced him upstairs to locate the missing eye. There it was lying on the ground. I took the half blind owl and after studying how to repair the eye, I reluctantly used gorilla glue to fasten the poor thing back in.

We returned to a wet faced child - owl was as good as new, or as good as I could make him. We snuggled back together with the smell of gorilla glue lingering in the air as we prepared to drift off to sleep. Owen looked at his little friend and in such a soft tender voice, he said, "I am sorry owl".

He looked at me and said, "We will have to get a new eye." I expected that he would say he wanted to get a new owl. He doesn't want a new owl. He has a spare upstairs - the one he bought my dad for Christmas. He wants his owl. I want his owl.

I looked up how to fix an eye on a stuffed animal. I ran across a webpage I won't be returning to which said something along the lines of this... take the stuffed animal, unstitch the back, remove the stuffing, put the eye in and attach, sew back up. I almost stopped breathing when I saw our little friend with ONE eye, can you imagine, me, cutting him open, performing brain surgery. I just can't do it. He is one of us.

So....I looked up and emailed the only option. Teddy Bear Hospital. I think the minimum price is $65.00. (a new owl cost $14.00). I will await their response and in the meantime pray that the glued eye stays in until I have a solution to this utmost problem of all problems.


Emilee said...

oh dear... poor poor owl. Sesil has missing stiches and no mouth but Alysa still loves him the same.

BYU Hottie said...

I admire the dedication of a mommy....
-Beth Farnsworth Reeves :)