Friday, January 25, 2008

A few pictures

Angie and I are going to teach a mom and baby yoga class. We had to meet with the people to take some pictures for the advertising on their website and pamphlets. Owen did a great job!!
Downdog with Mom

Updog with Mom

Tree with Noni

Bow with Mom

Dancer with Noni

Chair with Mom

Noni as a bridge

Mom as a bridge


Cathy said...

So cute! What a great idea. These pictures actually make me miss yoga, maybe I can talk Kelli into getting into another class. I just wish I was better at it!
Love you,

Jamie said...

I just found your blog again. I finally did one and found your on Heathers list. I'll try to be better ant keeping in touch this way. It looks like your yoga is going well. And Owen is a doll!