Monday, July 1, 2013

No more heat

We are having a heat wave and I hate it. I hate it with all my heart because I cannot escape it. With no air conditioner in my house or at work and a forecast for days near or into the 80s , life begins to feel a bit hideous. 

I decided today it is time for the air conditioner to be installed. I am totally prepared to be laughed at when I call tomorrow for an immediate installation, but for the sake of not sweating while I sit here, who cares, bring on the laughter and install my air!! 

1 comment:

Momma J said...

That is a neccessity for sure! Kate sent me a picture of her car registering 96 degrees external temperature. We had 105 Saturday and it is supposed to be 103/104 for the next three days. I hate it this hot too, but at least my apartment is cool.