Saturday, October 27, 2012

1 Year Old


The caboose turned one last month. 

She started walking right before her birthday. She was able to move herself from one end of the room to another by walking, but each step was cautious and careful and often resulted in a fall that ended up in a crawl.  With each passing day she was a little more confident and a little more sturdy until by her birthday, she mostly walked.  She only walks now and actually completed an entire walk around the block with Ivy and Kristi the other day.  I can only imagine how tired her little legs were. 

She is obsessed with her coat and her shoes, insisting that both stay on all the time (she is asleep right now wearing both).  She seems to suddenly understand English and while she doesn’t talk (other than the occasional momma and dadda), she understands everything.  She knows her name as well as her nicknames, specifically Ferbie, Autty, and today the kids named her Trussels to which she responded to as well. 

There is something just so cute about a baby who is now a little person.  A person with ideas and solutions.  I absolutely adore her to find something in the cupboard, decide she wants it, and bring it to me to open.  Or to have her carry her shoes over to me and then sit down and lift up her legs.  I love that she knows I am her person and I will help her solve those pressing problems of her life. 

She loves her pink blanket and drags it all over the house as well as her binky.  We call both of them her “stuff”. 

She coughs when she wants a drink, clicks her tongue when she wants something to eat, and pants when she wants me to nurse her.  Awesome, I know.  Eating is still a challenge and if we aren’t careful she has scratchy eczema on her feet, gets hives up her leg, and flare ups  of hives on her bum.  We still don’t feed her corn products or dairy and I am totally ok with that.  She doesn’t eat a lot of different foods, but what she does eat she likes with flavor and seasoning.  She mostly likes to eat off of my plate rather than her own. 

Her new favorite past time is to throw everything down the stairs.  Right now at the bottom there is a pile of shoes, balls, toys, clothes, a diaper and a toothbrush. 

She is our teeny thing and makes a perfect caboose!


Height – 27 in = 3%

Weight – 16 1/2 lbs = 1%

Head – 45.2 cm = 54%



Her smile.









Bits & Pieces said...

Love, love, love the picture of all three of them...I can never capture all three of mine looking at the camera at the same time let alone smiling! 'Caboose' does that mean she is your last?

Jen said...

Yes. We are complete with a caboose and all. :) Happy and content with that.