Thursday, October 11, 2012

The truth has been documented

Greg and Owen love to push each other's buttons. I can't think of a time yet when I have left them home alone and not received a call like this:


"Mom?" (Spoken in hushed tones, hiding from Greg no doubt)

"Yes Owen."

"Mom, dad is being mean. He says I have to clean the playroom before i play with my friends."

"I am sorry dear, try to work it out and I will be there soon."

You could really insert any problem or event, mean or not mean, above in Owen's very anti-climatic description of why Greg is mean.

I loved the call the other day while I was at work and Greg stayed home with the kids:



"Yes Owen."

"I don't like when dad is home from work and here after school. He doesn't even know our schedule and how things work. "

"Why do you say that, what happened?"

"I usually get home from school and you ask me how my day went and I say fine then I ask if I can play and you say yes. Dad didn't do that. I got home and he said play the piano. He didn't even ask about my day. When are you coming home?"

I laughed my head off inside and told Owen that must have been horrible and I was heading home then.

Tonight however, the drama got better. I got home from boot camp and Owen said, "dad was mean tonight". Then he got a big smile on his face and ran away. He brought back a black notebook and explained it was his notebook where he writes down things about Greg being mean (I totally just laughed out loud when I typed that while lying in bed with sleeping kids).

It is appropriately titled "Dad being mean book".

He explained that he goes off in a corner and writes in it. It had two entries.

Page 1- autumn is nice dad is mean mom is gone ivy is good.

Page 2- dad is not letting me ride cars I want to ride my car.

I just totally laughed out loud again.

It was bad enough for Greg to be told on for everything that happened and now it will be documented in a book. (And quite honestly, I cannot wait to read the next entry. )

My son says he is going to be a policeman when he grows up, he totally is.

1 comment:

Kati Leigh said...

That is hilarious!!!!!! I laughed out loud too :)