Sunday, December 12, 2010

While I am Away..

I knew I loved Greg even more when I came home from yoga last week to this:

IMG_7411 IMG_7410

Greg, I love you for taking care of the kids at night while I go to yoga.  I love you for letting me steal your boot-camp sessions and keep going.  I love that you make everyone something different for dinner.  I love that you take care of my cat.  I love that you made Owen into a robot.  I love that you read to Owen at night.  I love that you “close up shop” every night and make me feel safe.  I love that you play chase with Ivy.  I love that you put away the folded laundry. 

Basically, to sum things up:

I just love you. 


Momma J said...

How could I, the mother-in-law not comment on this post! I love you Jen for all that you do, for all that you are, for the great mother you are, and for loving my son for so many reasons!

Laura said...

That is just awesome. I'm sure if Kacin sees that picture he will be pulling out the tinfoil too. So fun.