Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh how sad!

Sometimes the day starts and it goes so smoothly, other days it feels like I am afraid to take the next step to find out what surprise, good or bad, is waiting for me. 

Today was filled with ups and downs before it even began. 

The down: Ivy’s newly burned arm. 

Today was her turn.  Just like every morning, I was drying my hair while she played in the cupboard and in the bathroom.  I thought about it, but didn’t move the curling iron and before I knew it, she was tangled in the cord and then suddenly the curling iron was falling in slow motion and then it was resting on her arm.  She screamed and bent her arm, burning her bicep in addition to her forearm. 

I stuck her arm in the water under the water and according to Owen, he was watching a show and when he heard us scream, he ran..not walked…ran! into the bathroom to see what was going on.  It was bad.  The top layer of skin was burned off and the blisters had already started. 

Greg wondered if I should take her in, it is possible I should, but only to make sure she feels pain.  She cried for about 5 minutes and then she stopped, got down, and played.  As I was leaving for work, she even scratched the burn with her little nails, she scratched the part with missing skin!  I still can’t think about it.  It was awful. 

She doesn’t seemed phased by it tonight.  She points to it when I ask if she was hurt and occasionally hands me the burn spray we have, but otherwise, she doesn’t seem to mind.  I, on the other hand, do mind.  I feel awful.  If only I had moved the darn thing over.  Well, you live and learn and do it differently next time.  What is that quote… we did better when we knew better.  Well, now I know better. 

Sorry baby girl.




Patti :) said...

We have had those things happen at our house too with a hot pan and the BBQ. It makes your heart hurt. We took Bracken in the instacare with his and they just told us to keep it covered and put on neosporin so it doesn't get infected- poor ivy and Jen!

BYU Hottie said...

Oh dear! Sounds like it was more traumatic for you, which is probably worse. So glad she's ok. Good thing Owen rushed to the rescue! :)