Tuesday, September 21, 2010



We are 2 weeks in and we are happy. 

We talked about the first day of school all summer.  Sometimes we would just mention it as it got closer, while other times we would discuss a little more detail.  Owen likes to be prepared, he likes to know what lies ahead.  I didn’t want any surprises for him, so we talked.  As the fastest summer of my life began to wind down and the countdown for school became shorter and shorter, Owen showed signs of excitement for school.  I will admit that I did not see that coming.  That nervous smile showed up each time we talked about school. 

We were ready.  He picked out his required “inside” shoes and his snack bowl.  We talked about what would happen when I drop him off: Get to school and find the cubby; change out of red shoes into inside shoes; wash hands; big hug and kiss and a reminder that I miss him already and we are off. 

And it went just like that – minus the quick we are off part, that part took a little longer, in fact, I could probably add an extra kiss or two, a little more lingering in the hug, a tear or two, a small sense of fear and a few extra miss you alreadys.

And then my little friend was off – off to the window to wave goodbye to Ivy and I (we weren’t quite ready for the off all the way part yet).  From the parking lot I waved and Ivy waved.  We waved to the little boy in the window with a big smile on his face that showed a sense of accomplishment.  He was doing it.  He was staying while we drove away.  We waved and waved until he was gone.  And then he was off. 

And just like that he grew up a little.

I waited anxiously for the time to pass to pick him up.  I baked him some cookies while I waited.  I worried a lot during those 3 hours.  Would he have fun? Would he want to be friends with that little boy with glasses? Would he like his teacher? Would he know what to do? Would he miss me? 

I learned quickly the answer to all would be yes.  He smiled and waved from the playground as I pulled in and as we were reunited I was informed that he loved school, that he made a friend, that his teacher was great, that he learned a song, and that he wondered when I would be back cause he missed me.   Those were all the answers I wanted.

And to celebrate: we ended the first day of school with a neighborhood pizza party. IMG_5902 IMG_5889 IMG_5907 IMG_5922 IMG_5923

2 weeks in and we are happy. 

(Although, truth be told, we would be a little happier if he could remember what he did at school – seeing that it only happened a few minutes prior to me picking him up.  To combat the forgetfulness of the day, he has to tell me 3 things about school each day.  Today I learned: 1) he ate apples for snack because he knows how healthy they are for him. 2) he played with his favorite friend and 3) he liked the teacher’s helper.  The important things of course. )


Momma J said...

I don't think it's my imagination, but he suddenly looks older! Great job on the preparation, Jen and Greg. When I went to kindergarten, I cried every day for at least 3 weeks when it was time to rest on our towels. My sister always had to come down from her 4th grade class and sit with me! Geez....!

Kathi and Bob said...

So glad school is going well. Owen is so smart, he will thrive! Your neighborhood pizza party looked like such fun. It must be great for him to have friends nearby!

Cathy said...

Congrats on making it through this difficult milestone. You are a good mom - making sure that he was prepared (and that you were sort of prepared too). These milestones are never easy for mom - but it is amazing to watch these little ones grow up and become little people. Love you - so glad that you blogged so I could share in this experience. I still remember your first day of school - it was hard for all of us!
Love you tons and tons!
Aunt Cathy