Last week it was questionable as to whether I would turn 34. Following the most intense exercise program I have done in a long time and perhaps in forever, I wondered if I would make it to Saturday. Not only did I make it, but I was able to turn 34 yesterday without the assistance of my hands to pick up my legs or without Greg lifting me up and down the stairs. (And as a side note, if I am not in the best shape of my life in 7 more weeks, heaven help me.)
Yesterday was the most pleasant of days.
I sent Greg off to the Saturday bootcamp session. I needed to make sure he knew what my class was like so he would continue to take care of me and I also wanted to assure that he thought it was hard . I was terrified he would call and inform me that it wasn’t that bad, subsequently plummeting my self esteem to low levels as I realized that I was in worse shape than I originally thought. Luckily, the report was “it was brutal” and my dear husband even had to sit down for a bit after becoming light headed. (I didn’t sit down – way to go self… ok, truthfully, I sat out for a jumping exercise or two, but that is strictly due to a jumping/peeing problem I have following child birth, which I am working on, but you see, that doesn’t count).
So, I started the day with a little encouragement about what shape I am in, followed by an invasion of Iowa football. That was not on the agenda of “the perfect birthday” but whatever, Happy Hawk Day.
My favorite Chinese food was on the agenda with a little gathering at our house with Angie and Ben. We made brownies and sang a round of Happy Birthday led by a smiley kid who called me the birthday girl all day long.
Angie and I worked on the transformation of the dining room to playroom and I must say I am a fan. Lots of work to do still to make it the room in my head, but it is coming along.
Exactly the birthday I would choose.
So as the week begins and I head into my 34th year, I realize that the winds of change are upon me: a sewing machine for my birthday present, a most intense exercise program for a girl who doesn’t do much exercise, a small child about to start kindergarten, and a football game that only slightly bothered me.
I am happy.
Glad you had a good birthday. Also, good for you for doing boot camp as it sounds awful. It was fun seeing you at the baseball game, Owen and Ivy are so darn cute! Happy 34th year!
I love your posts. You are so hilarious. Happy Birthday!
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