Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Simple Friday

Sometimes the best days are those when we don’t do anything.

Owen played all day with friends on Friday. Ivy gathered stuff. 

At one point, it was diapers.  Side note:  I swear I take out her diapers, I just had a pile of 5 diapers sitting by the front door.  It was still day time.  She just had a lot of diaper changes that day.  Other side note: I don’t let my child play with diapers, I just liked that she was gathering them on the truck.

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(all my pictures of Ivy are so serious!)

Then we went outside to play, torture Ivy,  and color with chalk (and eat chalk)

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and that was our day. 

1 comment:

Nanci said...

I can't think of anything worse than eating chalk! Oh dear!!!!! I like that I'm not the only one who waits to take out all the diapers. =]