Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Being 4 – almost 5 – must be so great.  I know it has its troubles, like having to wear jeans even though they don’t feel right cause your mom hasn’t cleaned the non-jean pants yet, or having to wait a day before playing with your friends cause you refuse to leave your sister alone,  or having to pick up the dirty laundry against your will to put it in the basket.

But, oh how nice would it to be a 4 year old boy and decide that you need a purse, cause a purse is used to carry things.  And what would a 4 year-old boy need to carry? Well, his mom’s ipod of course.  In fact, my boy thinks he can have my ipod touch and I should get a new one.  Or better yet, he is going to buy himself one for his birthday, and once he buys his ipod, he is getting a purse to put it in.

It is all so simple.  So free of judgment and worry.   His $9.00 is enough.  Boys and girls can have a purse.

(Oh, and as I type this, he just told me that he needs a phone too – he needs one and he is going to put his friend’s numbers in it.)

I love 4. Although, his gifts at 3 were much cheaper.  IMG_3830

Saturday, June 19, 2010

It’s Official.

You know how deep down you always hope that you are doing things right for your kids and that you are being the mom that you always want to be? Well, I have always thought that despite my faults, perhaps I still do a good job. 

It was brought to my attention the other day, that I may have officially failed at being a mom.

Me: "Owen, let’s draw some pictures and write some letters.”

O: “OK”.

O: “Mom, I drew a snake, now I need to color it in, what should I use?”

Me: “Find your crayons.”

And here comes the bad part…

O: “What are crayons?”

Me: “Owen, you know what crayons are.”

O: “No, I have no idea.”

Me: “I know you know what crayons are.”

O: “MOM! I can’t remember! Can you find some and remind me what they are?”

Me: “Ok, but I know you know.”

J finds some crayons and says: “This is a crayon.”

O: “OH YES! I remember now.”

So the good news is he remembered.  The bad news is that my child who is almost 5 claimed he didn’t know what crayons are.  What soon to be 5 year old doesn’t know what a crayon is?!!

And so tonight, and each and every night, we shall color a picture, with crayons, before we head off to bed. IMG_4173

(and my other one thinks crayons are an after dinner snack)



And look how enjoyable the moment was….

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Sunday, June 13, 2010


She is losing her mind.







There aren’t even any words to go with this post. 

A Simple Friday

Sometimes the best days are those when we don’t do anything.

Owen played all day with friends on Friday. Ivy gathered stuff. 

At one point, it was diapers.  Side note:  I swear I take out her diapers, I just had a pile of 5 diapers sitting by the front door.  It was still day time.  She just had a lot of diaper changes that day.  Other side note: I don’t let my child play with diapers, I just liked that she was gathering them on the truck.

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(all my pictures of Ivy are so serious!)

Then we went outside to play, torture Ivy,  and color with chalk (and eat chalk)

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and that was our day. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ever Wondered?

You know those days when you wonder how you would look with a different hair color or style? 

We wondered that once…...

Angie2 Angie


 Ben3 Ben


Emilee2 Emilee3 Emilee4 Emilee7


Eric2 Eric5 Eric8 Eric6







And now… we at least know what not to do

Sunday, June 6, 2010

11 Months


Ivy turned 11 months last week.  She started walking a few weeks ago and there is no stopping her.   I put her down on the ground in Kohl’s today and she ran around screaming and looking a little like a wandering chicken.  She was so pleased to be down out of the basket, I fear that I have opened a whole new world for her.  She rarely crawls and when she does she crawls on her fists.  She has 8 teeth, 4 on top, 4 on bottom.   She still has hardly any hair.  She seems to still be allergic to dairy and eggs and I am still keeping my fingers crossed that she grows out of that soon.  It is becoming increasingly harder as she is more aware of what she does not have.  She is obsessed with putting things inside of things.  She loves her new shoes and hates to take them off.  IMG_3808

(Jammies and shoes)

She is still little.  She loves to walk around with my phone on her ear.  She has her own ideas and is going to do exactly what she wants.  For example, she loves to look at me, make eye contact and then throw each and everything off her highchair tray.  She never breaks the eye contact and has such determination in her face.  I am guessing this is not something she will grow out of. 

It took awhile to get her here, but oh she was worth the wait.



What I love about T-ball:

1. Owen in his white baseball pants, blue belt, blue socks, baseball shirt and hat, and his tennis shoes.IMG_3932

2. Greg as the coach.

3. When Owen gets up to bat and holds the bat so proud and looks over at me with his big smile.  IMG_3571

4. The way Owen runs to the base and then looks over at me to see if I am watching.  Once he knows I am watching he smiles proudly and gives me a thumbs up.

5. The fact that Owen never runs to the next base until someone yells “OWEN RUN!”

6. Watching Ivy as she watches the game and claps with the crowd.


7. The part of the game on Saturday when Owen ran as fast as he could toward 2nd base.  On his way there a little girl on the opposite team touched him (not with the ball, she just touched him with her hand).  Owen wasn’t sure what to do as sometimes they play the outs, sometimes they just keep going.  He knew the rules enough to know something was going on but wasn’t sure what to do.  He stopped in the middle of 1st and 2nd base to get the go ahead from Greg.  The sidelines were yelling and screaming, “GO”, “RUN”, “OWEN RUN”.  He wasn’t going.  He was standing in the middle with an awkward smile on his face waiting direction from those in charge.  After what seemed like forever, at last the coach gave the go ahead to run.  He made it safely to 2nd.

8. The day that Greg asked Owen why he didn’t go after the ball, to which Owen replied, “Cause I didn’t hear anyone say, “Owen, get the ball””.

9. That while in the outfield Owen is usually doing something like picking grass and putting it on his mitt.

10. Noni and baby coming to hang out and support team Rascals.IMG_3944

11. That Owen is brave enough to play.

12 . And finally that Greg teaches them to love the game and do their best, and saves the winning and losing, the doing bad and doing good, and the competitiveness for the rest of their lives and lets them be little for just awhile longer.    IMG_1003

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