WEEK 28:
I have to say things have not been easy...sick until week 21, a strange few weeks with anxiety and difficulty breathing (I thought for sure I was having a heart attack), I hear and feel my pulse in my head all the time (my head is beating now as I type) and most recently, a new diagnosis of gestational diabetes and anemia.
Following my 1 hour glucose test, I went in for my 3 hour glucose test. I received a call from the dr. last week saying that 2 of the 4 blood tests were normal and the other 2 were 1 point over. So even though I am almost ok, they consider me with gestational diabetes. I am in denial, I am sure the test was wrong and the dr. is wrong and I am fine. BUT, of course I will listen to what they say and live with gestational diabetes for 11 weeks and 6 days. The part I am unhappy about is that I have 2 weeks until I see the nutritionist/dietician. Um, so what do I do in the meantime? They gave me a brief outline after I asked but not a lot of direction. So in comes trusty Internet and I think I have it figured it out, until I go to my appointment next week I am sure. Counting carbs, adding protein, no longer eating mini-eggs for dinner, and relying heavily on Greg to 1. let me know what he thinks is/isn't ok to eat and 2. to make me dinner and lunches to go is my new life. I love him.
I will survive and I will save my Easter candy that I already bought until July.
Little baby still has no name. (We are open to suggestions). Owen has carved out a space in our bed for her to join in (she is between Greg and Owen, Owen stays by me). We put up the crib but if she is like Owen, it will remain unused. She has 2 pairs of pants to wear and 3 shirts. She is moving like crazy and my tummy is getting big.
I head back to the dr. in 2 weeks for week 30 then it is every 2 weeks. We are heading to the home stretch and I just may make it through, iron pills, vitamins, no sweets, counting carbs and all.
I have been through it three times, so if you have any questions call me on my cell phone-801-678-6181
See...she is already making her presence known. Being a mom starts at the moment of conception - we worry, we wonder, we change our lifestyle, and we do many things we wouldn't even think about doing if we were only worried about ourselves. She is already a HUGE part of your life and you haven't even met her yet. Hang in there this too shall pass and she will be totally worth the sacrifice and effort! I've always been partial to the middle name Lynn or your mom would love an Ann!
Love you tons and tons,
Aunt Cathy
Oh my gosh it's getting so close. It's so intense at the end. You get so stressed and most of the stress you don't even realize, you just feel it. ERGH! Remember to relax!!! Get some peace and quiet. Drink lots of water. And NAME THE BABY! =]
Hmmm. I know you won't like a funky name. Hmm. I'm thinking and asking my mom....my mom likes Emily Jane. It's a consignment shop downtown. Hahah. I like it, but your sister is already named Emilee. Hmm...how about...now my mom is of no help at all. She is saying things like, "Suzie Q." ERGH! I'm going to murder her.
I want another girl SOOO bad. I am tempted to name her Lily. I would put her in baby pageants and make her wear fake teeth. =] Haha @ Angie watching baby pageant shows.
Oh. And PS - I think girls make you sicker. Kennedy made me sick pretty much the whole time too.
I thought of you this Easter and mini eggs. Hahah! The last few weeks of my last pregnancy I didn't want to eat ANYTHING but chocolate. I was getting REALLY worried about the diabetes!!!
I totally meant to ask you about your test results on Tuesday night at yoga but then we got to talking about baby chicks and I completely forgot. Ugh - no fun!!
Pregnancy can be such a difficult time and my heart goes out to you now. I'm sure it feels overwhelming at times. The good thing is you will have a beautiful baby girl at the end! I used to care for Mom's who had GD and my friend's daughter just went through it. We can talk more on Easter. Hang in there and be sure to let Greg spoil you with good eats!
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