Friday, June 13, 2008

A Little Sweet Treat

So Angie and I decided it was time to detox. Our drug of choice: SWEETS (this includes cakes, candies, and cookies). We love them all. We figure it will take at least 30 days to get over the withdrawals and detox ourselves of these yummy little pleasures. 2 days down, 28 to go. Actually, almost 2 days. 2 small hours after sending ourselves to detox I find myself at the office talking about a miserable experience at the doctor. I absentmindedly walk over to the Hershey's Kisses on Ben's desk, unwrap one, and even eat it. Mmmmm, just what I needed. WAIT! I think as I am swallowing the last bit, I gave up sweets for 30 days. Even though it is terribly small, I am sure this counts. Angie was standing there with me as I was enjoying my farewell chocolate and she didn't even notice. I almost kept quiet, it would have been so easy. I didn't, I confessed. A few measly hours after making this decision, I already had to start over. Because I ate it without even paying attention, I have decided these 30 days are greatly needed!! (however, it was delicious)

1 comment:

Angie said...

Seriously, more strength to Ben for his struggles... all I could think about tonight was a delicious little York Pattie in the bowl on the table. :)