Monday, June 16, 2008

Laughing All Day

Owen has been saying funny things all day.

1. Mommy, T.J. is my best friend, he is the nicest cat I have ever met in my whole life.
2. Mommy, I would like to go buy a new bike on Saturday.
3. Mommy, I am going to take this hideous thing outside.
4. (He spilled something today and then fell down, in a very sad voice he said..) Mommy, I am sorry that happened but it wasn't my fault.
5. (Last night I said something was nice and I was going to say something after that but I just sort of stopped, he said..) Mommy, did you just forget my name?
6. (We went outside to ride the lawn mower and it had a flat tire, we were walking back to the house, he was crying, we got back to the house and he turned to Porter (the dog) and inches away from Porter's face said..) Dogs, I am sad, the lawn mower has a flat tire.
7. (the night is not over and I am expecting at least one more thing for #7)

1 comment:

Heather Jones said...

So dang cute I love what kids say I wish we could actually record them saying it cause it is always so much funnier!!! I got each of the kids a book to write down the stuff they say and do because I kept forgetting!!