Friday, March 7, 2008

Singing and Listening

Owen walks around singing all day long. This is his new favorite song to sing (and yes, he is wearing my high heels when the song starts).

He makes me laugh when he listens. Rather than putting his hand on his ear he puts it on his cheek. Here he is in this video listening for the frogs out in the pond in the backyard. That is our sign of spring!!!


Cathy said...

Could he be more precious? What a sweet little boy! I'm afraid I didn't hear the frogs either - but I hope spring is going to be here soon!
Love ya tons!
Aunt Cathy

Heather Jones said...

He is seriously so dang cute you guys!!! I loved catching up on your blog I have no time to read them anymore maybe once a week!! It sounds like you are so busy but having fun. Kids make everything so much funner and harder!!