Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Another Week

(Owen and I went to the children's museum last Friday and made this frog hat in the art room)

When you get tired of looking at your own blog it has been way too long! Another week has zoomed by bringing me back to Thursday. It seems like we just had school and here we are again! I don't know how to keep up with things. We had music class today, always a highlight of Owen's week. Following music class it is off to the office to visit our "friends" (or as Owen says our "pens" (f's are pronounced as p's). We love visiting with Noni (Angie), Ben and Grandpa. It has been nice to have Greg so close to add him to the list of friends to visit after music class.

Tomorrow is another school day. I totally love going to this school. It is fun to see Owen getting more used to things. We finally left the birdseed bin last week and made things with the playdough. Last week in my parenting class we talked about anger and how important it is to acknowledge to kids that anger is ok. It is how we deal with the anger that may need some working on. The parenting style they "teach" really works for Greg and I. We discuss a lot in our groups how common it is to denying kids their feelings. They say they are tired, we say no you are not, they say they are hot, we say no it is cold or they may say they are sad and we say things like they can't be sad, there is nothing to be sad about. I find myself doing that with Owen. I have been really trying to accept what he says and help him identify what he is feeling (no matter what I feel about it, or how I am really quite sure he is not sick when he doesn't want to eat his dinner). It is hard! Tomorrow I am going to ask the educator how I can prevent myself from going crazy when Owen makes a grunting sound to communicate with me rather than saying mommy. I am getting really tired of the pointing and the noise. I ask him 100 times a day to use his words. I definitely need some guidance on this. I told Owen he was driving me nuts the other day. He said, sorry mommy, o not mean drive mommy nuts. Then of course I felt terrible.

Tonight he asked if he could watch one Little Einstein movie. I said no and that it was getting late. He said, "pease mommy, o want watch eeky (he still uses that word for little) einine rearry bad. mommy say, aaaaallll right, pine." I must say alright, fine a lot. He tells me to say that all the time. (Owen loves taking his picture, I have so many pictures like this on my camera)

The best news of the week is that we paid off a credit card - HOORAY to that! (still a few more to go)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

You are such a good mom! I love that you take those classes and that you are learning so much!
Love you tons,
Aunt Cathy