Friday, March 28, 2008

The movie in my head

Owen and Robee were just outside playing in the snow (yes, snow). I looked outside to see what they were doing. At first I didn't see anyone, then from the side Owen came into view. He was running, the yellow coat and the blue rain boots heading for something. I glanced out front and I saw the target. A snowman. I then (without surprise) saw Robee running full speed after Owen. The image was something you would see in a cartoon or a movie. I could hear the dialogue in my head. It was almost a victory for Owen, inches before the snowman, inches before he could smile with pride, Robee tackled him to the ground and saved the poor little snow guy. Owen was lying in the snow. Defeated.

Poor Robee, this is not the end of this story.

1 comment:

lorioreo said...

I can just see him now! What a great image. Thanks for painting it so perfectly. You made me smile.

Love you and that adorable boy!