Monday, May 19, 2014


I said my next post would be about Ivy. Autumn is hijacking that. 

1. Yesterday she asked me to hold her ball. I said I couldn't because my hands were dirty. She responded by saying, "well, in that case, I will set it down". 

2. Today I didn't have any appointments at work and decided to wear jeans and a t-shirt. I told her I was going to work and Kiki was coming to watch her. She looked at me and said, "wait, that is your work outfit??". 

3. As I was carrying her to the car today she said you have a big tummy just like Kiki. I said I do? She pointed to my ever small chest and said, "yes, right here". I told her that wasn't my tummy and showed her where that was. She asked what the other was called and I said, breasts. Then her 2 year old self said, "you and Kiki have breasts". That was weird. 

4. She has been wearing her leotard since Tuesday. It is Monday. Literally. To bed. After her bath. All day. One day she pretended she was changing and then put something on the top. 

5. She wears a 12 mo hat everywhere and would wear it to bed if it would stay on her head.  I have got to find another. 

She gets more hilarious by the day! 

Note: most of her pictures have a messy face. She HATES her face and hair washed. 

I have no idea why I don't have a picture of the favorite leotard!?!?

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