Thursday, April 26, 2012

The rabbit

My son loves to do stuff that makes him feel old, like asking questions at the store or checking us in at the dr.'s office or talking to the neighbors.

Once I had some printer toner to take back for recycling and the two second task seemed overwhelming for the ten minute load and unload that would be required, so I sent Owen in. He went in Office Depot, waited in line, told the girl he had a toner to drop off, got a receipt, and came back out. He was so proud.

Because he did so well at Office Depot, I only hesitated a little the next time. Owen had been saving his money for a stuffed rabbit from Albertsons and put his wallet in my purse so he could get it. Naturally, after a long day of errands he decided that was the day he wanted to get it.

I begged and pleaded and negotiated to go another day but his persistence took over and I told him he could get if if he went in himself.

This was just thrilling for him and he was all for the plan. We weren't sure exactly how much it cost so we had an idea, I would send him in with 7.00. I told him to find the bunny, take it to the checkout and ask how much it would cost, if it was going to be more than 7.00, he was to tell the checkout person he would be right back and then he was to run out for more money. He said ok, rehearsed the plan and jumped out. I said hurry back, wondered if I was insane and watched him jump out.

I sat right outside the door in the car watching like a hawk for his return. It was as though time was standing still until he suddenly came bounding out. I thought we did it but upon further inspection and the lack of a bag, I guessed he probably needed more money.

"Where is your money, where is the rabbit, do you need more money?"

"Mom, I found the rabbit and took it to the man. I said how much is this going to be . He looked at it and said 6.00, so I told him I had to go out and see my mom but that I would be right back. I left all my stuff and hurried out as quick as I could to bring you back this dollar. Now I have to go back. "

He handed me his dollar, jumped out of the car and skipped back in.

Before long he came skipping back out carrying a bag. He climbed in as proud as ever.

"So how much was it?"


"Do you mean 5.56?"

"Nope. Here is the receipt."

"What did the man say?"

"He said it is 6.56. I said here is 6.00, count it to be sure. Then he counted the dollars and said thanks and gave me my bunny and my receipt."

Sure enough the receipt said 6.56 due and 6.56 paid.

Thank heavens for nice people, especially considering that our extra money was raced out mid-transaction.

1 comment:

jettsons said...

I love that story!