Thursday, March 15, 2012

Danger phone

I have an iPhone with Siri, that phone thing that you can talk to and ask questions. I don't use it much because it cannot understand me. In fact, no automated thing can. I have only used it once or twice when it worked but Owen loves it, even if it does understand him less than me. He was able to ask it what a Venus fly trap plant looks like and that is about it.

There was this one day however when the trouble understanding him was worse than ever. He wanted to see an owl. I believe he told it to do just that and show him an owl. Sounds innocent enough. First it said I do not understand what you said. He tried again and asked it to show him an owl. It was then that I realized Siri was maybe not such a good idea, considering it suddenly said "finding a picture of an a*%hole" and brought up a google search. Owen asked "what is an a*%hole" as I snatched my phone and closed out that search with my own eyes practically glued shut in utter fear.

At least I learned my lesson. We sit together when we ask Siri questions and we thank our lucky stars he was not alone then.


Critter said...

It probably just pulled up a bunch of pictures of Rush Limbaugh. You should have seized the opportunity and used it as a teachable moment!

Jen said...

Critter, oh how right you probably are! Trust me though, he probably already associates that word with Rush Limbaugh. Try as we may, there are not kind words said about that guy around here.

Kristi Neeleman said...

Damn Critter!!! You beat me to the punch!! EXACTLY what I was going to say!

But you could also add Mittens, Rick, Sarah, Karl, Dick, Dubya .... crap the list is endless for ***holes.

Reminds me of when Robee asked was a douche bag was. Great day.