Sunday, May 1, 2011

A great deal and a baby update…

I feel like I am always trying to catch up.  I feel like this on a daily basis, however, after lying around for approximately 12 weeks, I am REALLY behind.  I am behind on the cleaning, the shopping, my work, being a good mom, paying the bills, and so on and so on.  Slowly, but surely, I am digging my way back and out.  I have even taken on two projects including buying a big bunk bed for Owen and painting his room – which has had amazing results and deserves a post of its own; and painting the bathroom (which probably also deserves a post of its own and once it is finally complete, may get that). 

In any event, what better way to continue to dig your way out of what has become your own life than a mystery coupon for Old Navy.  After organizing my desk for a mere 2 hours on Thursday night, I came across a coupon: Save 20-50% at Old Navy, just bring the coupon in and have the staff scan it to see how much you will save.  I put that aside in the keep pile.  I have no idea what happened to the keep pile, but nonetheless, I found the quickly forgotten coupon on the floor in a pile of toys today while cleaning.  Oh yes!! my brain exclaimed, I will have to use that.  In one of my many telephone conversations with Angie today, I came across the little bugger again on the floor in the kitchen.  “Oh, by the way, we should head to Old Navy soon, I have a great coupon, let’s see, we can use it until ….TODAY!!”  20% sounded nice, but was it worth the trip there, I wondered.  It would be worth it for 50%, but they are all probably 20%.  We decided we would hope for the best and make the trip. 

I packed up my sick baby girl, Angie dragged her sick self out the door, Owen and I left in our pajamas and it was off to hope for a 50.

And! today was my lucky day!! 50% off EVERYTHING.   And! (again), they were having their own sale of buy something and get something else 50% off.  Angie shopped, I shopped, Ivy shopped, and Owen shopped to our heart’s content.   It all seemed so familiar – reminded me of the last time I got 50% off, it was glorious then and with the sun shining outside, even more glorious today. 

Bottom line: Total bill $876.00  Total amount paid $341  Total savings $535!!  HOORAY for cleaning my desk in the nick of time!  

And in other news, I am starting to feel better.  In the last week I did not take my Zofran 4 of the last 7 days.  That is progress and exciting progress at that.  And! (such exciting news tonight) SHE looked great at the ultrasound on Friday!!! 

Throwing up less, saving a ton of money, spending two hours at Old Navy with my two children and not losing my mind, finding out we are having a girl, and a lot of sun has made this weekend a good one.


Kristi Neeleman said...
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Kristi Neeleman said...

Yeah for SHE!!
So far, my record is five out of eight - guessing the sex of the babies. Not bad.
Yeah for SHE!!!

BYU Hottie said...

Yay for girls! And pink things! Glad things are going better. Your kids are growing, growing, growing! Wow! I love to see you be mom of 2-almost-3. Now I just wish I could be as good as you at blogging (and writing), with only my 1 kid. *Sigh* I can always have blog/writer-envy, right? :)

Unknown said...

So happy for your amazing deal!!! What a deal... AND hooray for a baby girl on the way. Congrats!!

Cathy said...

A new little girl; nothing better than knowing you are having a healthy daughter...AND getting a great bargain at Old Navy! Your kids are going to be stylin'! Congratulations! I am so glad that you are feeling better.
Love you so much!
Aunt Cathy

Kathi and Bob said...

Congrats and good news all around for you: feeling better, a beautiful new baby girl to welcome in a few months, and an amazing shopping spree!

Heather Jones said...

Congrats on the girl so fun! I am glad you are feeling better and got great deals. I threw that coupon away maybe I should have kept it and gone in!

Charles said...

Wow! Another girl. How exciting! Congrats I am sure she will be adorable, Ivy certainly is....

Charles said...

Uh the previous comment was from JOYCE not Charles, just in case you didn't guess that