Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love this Little Guy


My little friend has pink eye.  We have warded off all kinds of sickness this year… VITAMIN D.  I am a big fan.  But even the Vitamin D didn’t work this time. 

He made me a picture of a rainbow for Valentines Day.  He also bought me a pirate treasure box to hold his coins in.  He is borrowing it. 

I asked him the other day if he wants to go to Kindergarten this year.  I told him he would go everyday.  He said with a sigh, “Wow, that sure sounds tiring.  I think I better stay in preschool”. 

I came home from yoga the other night to find him eating dinner.  At that precise moment he was sitting with a piece of broccoli in his mouth. He saw me and started crying.  He said he had to chew it 10 times to eat his Cheetos.  I hate all foods.  I couldn’t stand it.  I undermined Greg and told him he could eat the Cheetos and took the broccoli from him.  I am sorry Greg.  It was too sad. 

He didn’t want to sleep alone the other night.  I had some work to do and couldn’t lay with him.  Instead, I made him a bed by my desk.  I decided at that moment that I wanted him to look back at me and his life and remember that he slept by my desk rather than went to bed alone.  


He called me on the phone yesterday and had Greg tell me that he wasn’t going to give me my Valentine surprise unless I was really good at the mall.  He couldn’t wait until today to give it to me (probably wanted his pirate treasure right then) and gave it to me right away.  He told me that I still had to be good at the mall.

He loves our housekeeper we have.  He wants her to come everyday.  He told me yesterday that he misses living at his Grandpa’s house.  I told him to think of a few things that he liked about our new house.  One of the the things he likes is that Gabby comes to clean.  He can’t wait until she comes again. 

I made soup the other night.  He hated the little green pieces in it (why I sprinkled parsley in, I will never know).  I tried to pick them out.  He ate two noodles and declared he WAS NOT eating that soup.  I let him know that I didn’t want to make him something else because I knew he liked that soup and would eat it.  He let me know that he didn’t care.  He would just make himself a peanut butter and jam sandwich himself.  He did.  


Go away pink eye, leave my little friend alone.

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Alysa said...

i once had pink eye.

Emilee said...

I hate pink eye. At least the drops aren't that bad. Good luck!! I am glad that you took him in.

Geoffrey said...

I agree with the important things and the essence of what he remembers of both of you. He is such an awesome guy, and you both are doing such a wonderful job as his parents. It is great that you care so much and can let some rules go for the benefit of your connection with him! Way to go, Jen and Greg, even if not every choice is perfect.