Who knew that giving up this….
Would give me this…..
I have determined (with my own diagnosis of course) that Ivy is allergic to milk. About a month ago she started eating yogurt. She loved it. About a month ago she also started throwing up. Not even baby spit up, but real throw up. Kid throw up. I didn’t give it much thought and we went on our merry way eating yogurt.
I started to notice a trend. Yogurt = throw up. I stopped feeding her yogurt and gave Kristi instructions to stay away from the milk products during her time with Ivy. Things looked better. I forgot to tell Greg to stop feeding her milk products and after returning home from yoga one night, I arrived to a happy baby eating cottage cheese. Oh no. An hour or so later she threw up and threw up again and again.
I read about milk allergies, a symptom of which being vomiting. It also stated irritability. Ivy has slept horribly most of her life. The milk protein passes through breast milk. I stopped eating dairy for a few days and for the first time ever she slept better. She was also a different child through the day. She played all day, she napped, she let me leave the room without breaking into a cry that would convince any outsider that the world was ending.
It takes 2 weeks to completely eliminate the milk protein but we noticed an immediate difference.
I of course needed to eat dairy stuff on Superbowl Sunday. Besides, I had convinced myself that I was crazy. Dairy all day Sunday and Monday and by Tuesday she was crying all night and wanting to be held all day. I stopped eating dairy on Tuesday and she is happy.
It is hard. I admit, I had a brownie on Wednesday and one M&M and some soup with Cream of Chicken. Thursday I ate two Mini-Eggs. Friday I was good. Saturday I ate corn on the cob with butter and one square of a Hershey’s dark chocolate bar. Sunday I ate a chocolate chip cookie and some of the dough. And all of those days I have thought about cheese, about cereal with milk, about Mini-Eggs, about yogurt, about ice cream. It is like a drug. I am going through withdrawals. However, I did discover I eat better (well at least I did until I realized I can eat Oreos).
At least another week to go. That gives me 2 weeks with no (or limited) dairy. Then I will see how she is. All of this is making me re-evaluate myself. Part of me secretly hopes I don’t nurse her for 25 months like I did for Owen. Part of me hopes I am wrong and I can go back to my life I know. Those are crazy thoughts for a piece of CHEESE!!
I wonder, can I do it?
For this…I can
It is just chocolate, right?
You should drink Soy Chocolate Milk. It is yummy!
It's only a few more months and if she can handle small amounts, maybe you can still have one or two of those little chocolate eggs sometimes. A few more months until you can wean and not have to go to that horrid formula (yes, I hate it, it stinks, stains, YUK). Not that you have to wean but you can and feel great about going a year.
What a challenge, and yet what a lovely smile on beautiful Ivy! I know it is difficult to give up dairy, as I still like cheese. But for the health of such an adorable and healthy baby, I know you can do it! You are such an awesome mother!
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