Ivy had her 6 month well-child visit last week. She is 25 1/2 inches tall (38th percentile), 13 lbs 15 oz (12th percentile) and her head is 42cm (35th percentile). She loves to move. She is always reaching and wiggling. I walked by her the other day and saw her on her stomach, I walked away and the next time I saw her she was sitting up. I wasn’t sure if she actually started on her stomach. The next day I saw her push up to sitting from her tummy.
She loves avocados and carrots. I received a Magic Bullet for Christmas and have been making her the carrots and some applesauce. I am not sure why I didn’t do that with Owen. It seems so strange to buy baby food this time around. Older and wiser I suppose.
She still doesn’t sleep very well – in fact, I am pretty sure I was a human binky last night. Interesting and totally disturbing really.
She smiles all the time and loves her brother! The more crazy he is the more she loves him. (despite having her fingers stepped on or being pushed over). What is that saying, what doesn’t kill us makes a stronger? She will be strong. He tries I suppose. He did make a trade the other day. He wanted a new toy of hers (a baby) that she got for Christmas. I told him he had to let her use one of his toys. He said she could have his most special Handy Manny tools and tool box. This tool box was so special the other day that he couldn’t even let his friend touch it. I was touched that Ivy was the recipient of such a special toy.
Although it is entirely inappropriate, Ivy loves plastic. When Greg has her and she is in one of those crying fits wishing I would return, he often turns to plastic. I come home to find her carrying around a plastic bag. I left for work today and she was holding a ziploc bag. When I picked her up 8 hours later she still had the bag. What was that I said about older and wiser? Maybe not so much.
(Here she is eating a wipe)
I sometimes wish I could be a human binky. Not all night but at least sometimes. Enjoy it while you can.
She is SO pretty!!!! She looks so much like you it is crazy. She sure is a pale little thing. Love her.
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