As we were transplants up to Washington, we haven't always been a fan of our beloved Seahawks, but never fear... WE ARE FANS now!! I may even feel myself turning into a SuperFan. Actually, I am a SuperFan of this whole state. I LOVE living here and as part of loving living here, I love the team too. Originally this day had been set aside to head to Leavenworth for the Bavarian Ice Fest to kick off the 2015 monthly adventures but upon learning it was the day for the NFC Championship Game and as pending SuperFans, it had to be cancelled. Later, after a near loss that turned around for a crazy win in overtime, we screamed with laughter at the thought that we could have missed it all for the Ice Fest.
So to sum up the day:, the kids ate too little, the adults ate too much, we gave up hope and had it restored, we laughed a lot, we played a lot and can't wait to do it all again in 2 weeks....