Saturday, April 6, 2013

My brain!! (post edit - 18 month stats)

The deadline has arrived. I have until Monday at 4:00 pacific time to submit the yearbook.

I have worked on the book almost non-stop during the last 48 hours and I am exhausted.

I have pictures of students swarming through my head, clip art of frogs taking over my thoughts, and borders and designs and colors clouding my vision.

I am resting now, recharging my creativity and preparing for the final countdown.

The end is near and that is as much of a blog post that I can muster.

***************POST EDIT*********************
An after the fact post: I can muster up something!  I forgot Autumn's 18 month stats and whether I will care later or not, here they are.

29 1/4 tall - 2.84%
18 lbs 15oz - .5%

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