As we near the end of April, I can finally feel myself reconnecting with myself. Doing the yearbook for the school was HARD and STRESSFUL. While it got done and I am soo excited about it, it was a lot of work. After the book was submitted, I had to spend the next three weeks taking care of everything that I didn’t do while I was working on the yearbook. I am just glad I came out alive, otherwise, I wouldn’t be here to warn people of the dramatic effects of natural shampoo.
In my mission to eliminate chemicals in my life, Angie and I decided to try some natural products, one of which was a natural shampoo. I was a little hesitant from the beginning, but throwing caution into the wind, I went for it. Apparently a natural shampoo is different than “regular” shampoo, because it is a soap rather than a detergent. When you use the detergent shampoo, it strips your hair and then you have to use conditioner to cover up the damage from the shampoo. With the natural shampoo you don’t use a conditioner but instead rinse with vinegar to balance the hair’s pH. This sounds very complex, I know.
I tried it first last Saturday. The instructions state that it takes some getting used to and as the chemicals are removed from your hair your hair goes through a “detox” period. They say it can take up to two weeks in which you may have more puffiness, static and oiliness. They are not kidding. My detox period was HIDEOUS. I pulled my hair in two braids one day and my hair looked wet. My sisters actually laughed at me periodically through the day. Fresh from the shower, straight from the blow dryer, my hair looked like I hadn’t washed it in weeks. It was awful. I carried on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and gave up on Thursday.
I know it was just hair, but I found myself feeling a little down, a little scruffy, a little not like myself. I went to Owen’s baseball game with a hat on and found myself standing alone looking longingly at everyone’s chemically covered, beautiful, non-greasy hair, worn down without fear. I woke up on Thursday and as I sat in bed feeling the greasiness that was once my hair, I just knew that I couldn’t possibly get up and do that horrible vinegar rinse one more day. I was throwing in the towel. I got up and washed my hair with my shampoo from Trader Joe’s and picked up my conditioner bottle with glee. My hair wasn’t quite the same as it once was but it wasn’t the hideous hair that I had seen for the last few days. I had no regrets, after all, who can just have hair that people go around laughing at periodically through the day.
I am on the search for a different, natural shampoo, one that doesn’t require a vinegar rinse. I will report on my findings.
As an aside, we got the shampoo from a company based out of Utah called Bubble and Bee. I love the natural face wash, deodorant, facial moisturizer and body butter. I totally recommend it, and if you need a shampoo to try, I know of a barely used bottle you could get for a good price!
I am still holding on strong. I am sorry, but I hope that your hair takes a little bit of time to look beautiful again... just so I don't have too much envy while I try to wade through the horrible-ness! :)
Because of the hard water where I live, every 3-4 weeks, after I wash my hair with shampoo and creme rinse, I then pour diluted apple cider vinegar through my hair and let it sit for a few minutes before washing it out. It takes out the hard water residue and chemical build-up and I have healthy, shiny hair again. It leaves a residual smell for a little while, but it goes away and someone has to be very close to smell the vinegar.
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