Monday, December 31, 2012

Out with the old

I just picked up my phone to blog and it was 11:11. I look at the clock all day at times like this - 10:10, 3:33, 2:22, 12:12. I am not really sure what it means, but I am sure it is something amazing.

Speaking of amazing, it is 11:16 on New Year's Eve. My babies and I are snuggled in our bed together waiting to ring in the new year. We plan on doing that in our sleep. Ivy and Owen are asleep, Autumn is playing, and Greg is downstairs alone watching tv. It is obviously a rockin New Year's Eve around here. The kids are too little and we are too old. Next year we are going to aim for staying awake, nothing fancy, just being awake. We set high goals for ourselves around here. (Actually, us awake, Autumn asleep, she may be the only one awake at midnight tonight.)

Speaking of goals, I need to figure those out for 2013. Resolution #1 - set goals before December. Like I said, we aim high.

And with that, goodbye 2012, you were a good year.

Here is to another year of health and happiness!

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