Things I love…
1. That every Tuesday he goes to the speech therapist to learn to say his “s” sound. She comes down to get him so I don’t have to bring Ivy up and then she brings him down at the end of the lesson. From the beginning he has just jumped out of the car and headed in like he has always done that. He is so trusting. His “s” sound is getting better everyday.
2. That he has a silver tooth and still loves the dentist. He had an eventful dentist visit a few weeks ago, he had 4 cavities one of which needed a crown. For a small child such as himself, a crown is a silver cap. It is a molar that will eventually fall out, but for now I love that silver tooth. He is still excited for his next visit and thinks the dentist is great (his dentist is amazing by the way, other than saying he thinks something a little sharp went in his mouth, he has no idea he had a shot).
3. That tonight he is preparing a solar system to take to school tomorrow for sharing. He is learning about the solar system in school and wanted to created his own. He has bouncy balls in different plastic bags: the sun and 8 plants (rest in peace Pluto as a planet). We have Mrcre, Venus, Rth (+ 1 moon), Mars, Jupitr, Satrn (+ 6 moons), Uranis, Neptoon. I am in love with those bags.
4. That he very rarely stops singing.
5. That he calls Ivy “Honey”.
6. That he can’t wait for the baby to be here.
7. That he saw some weeds in the yard on Sunday and told me that the yard didn’t look very distinguished.
8. That he and I have a bedtime kiss: Kiss on the lips, kiss on each of his cheeks, kiss on each of my cheeks, then we say (from a book we have): Sometimes you make me mad, sometimes you make sad, but no matter what you say or do I will always love you, then we kiss on the lips again. He makes sure we do it every night.
9. That he likes me to lay on the couch on my side with my knees bent so he can snuggle in “his nest”.
10. That he asks if we can always live together. I always say yes – forever!
I heart that kid.
We like Owen around here, too. Those two boys playing together are cracking me up right now. And I learned something about Owen at lunch--He won't eat a carrot, but he'll dip his strawberries into the ranch and ketchup mixture he made on his plate. Kacin tried it, too. Silly boys.
There is this amazing thing about being a Mom...your children enter your heart and never, never leave! Owen is a wonderful little boy!
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