Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not for Me

If you were to walk into my house last week you would smell Italian beef slow cooking.   

IMG_3729 IMG_3735


At first you may think, “That is nice of Jen to make dinner for Greg.” Or for some, perhaps your first thought would be, “Jen makes dinner?”

Well some would be right, some would be wrong... Jen was not making dinner for Greg and no, Jen does not make dinner (at least not very often).

So the next logical thought would be, “That is nice of Greg to make dinner for Jen.”  Or others may think, “Jen eats Italian beef?”

Again, some would be right, others wrong…Greg was not making dinner for Jen and NO, Jen does not eat Italian beef.

So what was going on here you may wonder.  I will tell you. 

Greg was making dinner for this guy…


Greg’s dear friend Steve. 

While we were teaching yoga, the boys and the babies got together for Italian beef sandwiches.

So next time when you come into my house and smell something in the slow cooker, expect to see Steve and Evan knocking at the door within a few hours.


Kathi and Bob said...

How know the nut doesn't fall far from the tree because I called Bob over to read your blog and when he saw the roast he said "That looks good"!

BYU Hottie said...

I love this post. And I love that you got that picture along with it. :)