Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why is it?

Why is it that new curtains can make a room so much more cozy.

Why is it that a sleeping child can make you forget all the anguish they caused through the day.

Why is it that I got all ready for bed but didn't brush my teeth so I could eat one last Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.

Why is it that I wanted Owen to sleep in his own bed but yet I feel like sneaking him out and bringing him back to mine.

Why is it when we give a client a packet and tell them we need all the information in order to file their bankruptcy, they come back with half of it done proclaiming they didn't know we needed it. 

Why is it that I have been wanting to hang three pictures on a wall and have talked about it for two months rather than just buying the frames and hanging them up.

and the last pressing question on my mind tonight..

Why is it that pee cannot make it where it should go.  I have cat pee on the side of the litter box and child pee on the side of the toilet.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Digital Age = Long Line

I think visiting Santa in the mall is fun.  I think dressing up your kids for the yearly picture with Santa is fun.  I DO NOT think the digital camera with instant viewable prints is fun.  What ever happened to the time of: smile! click. k, you are taking a picture with Santa in the mall, you are done.  Nope, not anymore.  Instead: smile! chin down, open your eyes, smile! click. smile! chin down.  mom, do you want to go move his chin down.  smile! click. (pause from picture taking here - parent moves to tv screen to view the pictures, decides that is not a great smile, start over).  smile! smile! waive little Elmo. click.  open your eyes a little more. smile! click.  and it goes on and on and on and on. 

We waited in line to see Santa tonight for Owen.  I begged and pleaded beforehand.  I offered bribes of toys, books, cinnamon rolls, and ice cream. We waited for 40 minutes.  We waited in line to see Santa for 40 minutes to tell him Owen wanted a pirate ship, a treasure and a little boat. Then we were on our way.  

I do believe that if you are paying a million dollars for your picture it should be a good one, but I think the system should be revamped. 
1. Lower the price, give you two shots, take what you get. 
2. Have two Santas in the mall.  Picture Santa and What do you Want Santa.  (might confuse the kids a bit, but hey, no 40 minute line for a 30 second visit.)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

If Only

There I was, in third place.  For some reason I couldn't run very fast, it felt like my legs were in jello but I was giving it all I had. It didn't look good for me.  The finish line was at the girl's house who was in first place! But what is this? She forgot how to get into the yard and took a wrong turn!!  My jello legs, although very sluggish, pushed through.  Suddenly second place disappeared and I was winning.  The girl in first place didn't have jello legs and was catching up to me.  Luckily, jello legs and all, I crossed the finish line first and won The Amazing Race.  1 million dollars!! (plus my entry fee back).  Life would be different from this moment forward. 

And then Ivy cried and Owen pulled my hair in his sleep.  There I was, in my bed of people without my million dollars (probably still had my jello legs).  And before I drifted back to sleep I smiled as I remembered what it felt like to have a million dollars if only for a second!!   

I choose to believe this particular dream is a sign!

(Not so much Greg's dream from the other night in which I was an extremely religious person able to play beautiful symphonies on the piano, as I am pretty sure that one means he is leaving me for someone far different than myself.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Little One

My sweet baby turned 5 months on Monday. It seems when I am in the moment of a developmental milestone, (ie sitting, teething, etc), I swear I will never forget.  Blame it on age, another baby, a busy life, whatever it may be, but I have no idea when Owen did anything.  I can’t find the unfinished baby book since the move and have therefore found myself looking through pictures to determine if he is sitting on his own or to see if he had any teeth. 
So to assist me in remembering  events I will never forget here are the developmental milestones worth noting.
First tooth – almost 5 months.  I first found it on November 23rd (bottom left)
Second tooth – December 2, 2009 (bottom right)
Sitting up all alone – 4 1/2 months
Rolling over (back to tummy) – 4 months
Rolling over (tummy to back) – she gets too mad on the tummy to try
Sleeping through the night – I am planning on never
Eating cereal – 4 1/2 months
Trying pears and hating them – 5 months
Laughing at the bad things Owen does – 5 months
Sitting in the laundry basket while mom showers – 4 1/2 – 5 months
Love you!

Lack of Posts

Moving and organizing a house is hard work.  We moved in on November 1st and just on Sunday we were able to enjoy the house.  Minus Owen's room, the house is put together and not only that, it is put together with Christmas decorations up. 

I don’t even know where to begin in Owen’s room and the idea of new Christmas toys overwhelms me!  So for now, since he doesn’t seem to mind, we will just close the door.

And because we moved and I have been living in chaos, I didn’t post about this:

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or this:

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or this:

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or even this:

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and I didn’t blog about this on purpose
