Friday, December 12, 2008

It is Time to Come Back

I am finally starting to feel a little bit better and I feel like joining the real world again. I figured I would start with blogging and then perhaps in a day or two I would try cleaning and doing laundry. I need to start slow.

The last 6 weeks have been rough. I started feeling sick just after 5 weeks. I have thrown up more times than I can count. Two times were troublesome. Once on the sidewalk outside Greg's work party and once after pulling over on a busy street under a street light with tons of cars passing me by. I have learned a lot from this experience, I realized that the best place to throw up is the kitchen sink. (Gross, I know.). But, there is no water in the sink which then allows me to avoid food flying back in my face. It is easy to clean as well. Yes, I highly recommend it. I have also learned that it is weird to throw up something cold. I threw up an Instant Breakfast the other morning and it happened so fast, it was still cold. Totally odd. These are the important things I am facing right now.

Poor little Owen, he has been a good sport. He said to me this morning that he needed to eat breakfast soon or he was going to throw up. I said to Greg the other day, "next year, I will be more fun at your work party, I won't be sick, I will wear something cute, I won't throw up, I won't sit by myself trying not to throw up". Owen said, "you can help me with things again.". My poor baby.

I went to the doctor just before week 10 started. Everything was fine. I had an ultrasound and everything looked great.

So, in summary, we are hanging in there. I haven't thrown up since yesterday and I updated my blog. Things are good.


Hansen Family Blog said...

From one person who gets VERY sick durring pregnancies to another I totally agree with the sink comment. I have also found that having an unused garbage bag in your car helps you avoid the street side scene. I hope you are getting passed the throwing up phase. I never did till birth, but I am odd that way. I wish I could give you a hug. I love you and I am stoked that everything is going well in your pregnancy.

Joyce said...

Ha! That brings back memories for me. I threw up like that with both Abby and Sammy. I liked throwing up in the kitchen sink as well. I also hate throwing up cheerios. I choke on them coming up. I threw up on someone's front lawn once because there was no where else to do it. Good times! YOu have ALL my sympathy!!

lorioreo said...

Okay...Here is one of my throwing up memories with being pregnant with you...I had been at work at the bank and I had had a terrible day, throwing up every 20 minutes for three hours. I had finally gone into the ladies room to lay down for a few minutes and I fell asleep for 45 minutes. No one knew where I was or could find me. I was so embarrassed. I finally was able to work a few hours and kept a few saltine crackers down. I started feeling better and went to the cafeteria and ordered a tuna sandwich (I craved tuna a lot with you). I worked for another couple of hours and then drove myself home to our apartment in the avenues. I was listening to "We Are the Champions" on the radio as I pulled in front of the house and flung open the car door and with "We Are the Champions" blaring on the radio, leaned out of the car and threw up in the street. I'm sure it was a memorable site to all that saw. It was a memorable one to me. After I was through, I looked around and ran as fast as I could into the apartment to hide. That song has always had "special" memories for me. I'm glad you are feeling partly human again.

Jen said...

Mom, now I know why I hate tuna!!

Joyce, it must be cereal!! I ate some Special K the other day and I thought for sure I was going to choke and die.

Heather Jones said...

I feel for you I hate being pregnant for that reason. I also used the sink all the time. I think my sick days lasted longer with each kid. I told em to tell you to try b6 200mg's and unisom it helped me last time. I still threw up alittle but I could at least function. So sad about owen. My kids all had that before thanksgiving also. Dyson is still coughing so I may be taking him to the doctor. Hope you all feel better soon.

Lori said...

I'm finally having some good days mixed in with the not so good also. I'm so glad you're having a few better days. They gave me some Zofran which is supposed to be the best anti-nausea med they can give during pregnancy.

Cathy said...

I have had some stomach problems for the best part of 15 years and during that time I have had to refrain from taking any meds. To get through the difficulty I got some good advice from Pam's sister-in-law who is totally into natural healing and birthing; She is also a midwife. Anyway...she told me to get some Papaya pills and unsalted almonds. You chew the papaya pills and they actually taste pretty good, the almonds should unsalted and should eat about 6 of them if you continue to feel nauseated. This didn't cure me but it made the whole experience tolerable. I hope it helps! Hang in there - this little one will totally be worth it!
Love you tons,
Tante Greasy