Monday, September 22, 2008

A Month in Review...

Where have I been?

We have been to Pike Place.

We have been out to eat (and apparently we have been scrubbing floors).

I have been on the pier.

And to Kayak Point Park...

We have been eating cake and ice cream for breakfast..

We have been to the circus.

We have been to the dentist....

and bowling with our friends...

We have been to dinner with Noni.

and to the Utah State Fair...

We rode the train to Salt Lake..
and have been to see cousin Aubrie, Dave and Liz and Grandma Jayne...

(Owen asked Dave if his goatee comes off)

And now we are back.

1 comment:

Momma J said...

Not only can you write, but you take the most wonderful pictures of your family! I so enjoyed looking at these! Grandma Jayne