Thursday, June 21, 2012

A little bit of this and that.

1. Going corn free has fixed Autumn and allowed me to get down 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.  Here is a shout-out to no corn!!

2. I remembered the local company here that delivers organic fruits and vegetables and for a mere $32.00 per week, deliciousness is on my doorstep each Tuesday.  I just checked and next week I get cherries, limes, blueberries, pears and bananas, spinach, leaf lettuce, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes and cilantro, all organic and delivered. 

3. Tonight with my chicken we tried something new and I highly recommend it.  I found it on Pinterest (Greg claims that I only like recipes from Pinterest, but I claim Pinterest in just a really effective way of browsing the Internet).  We roasted carrots and zucchini cooked in olive oil and sprinkled with salt, pepper and crushed red pepper flakes.  If it weren’t 10:00 I would go make some more. 

4. I love that Owen just watched two episodes of Martha Speaks and then said, I am done with tv now and got up and turned it off.  Granted it is 10:04 and he should totally be in bed and I have no plans to go put him there yet, but nice job on turning off the tv on his own.

5. Kristi started watching Autumn this week while I work. I miss that little bug, but I loved being back at work and meeting with clients and dressing up for Court.  I love being home with my kids and having the flexibility that I do, and I truly love working.  I have decided over time that even though I have a horribly messy house and often times I don’t do any one thing very well cause I do a little of each half way, it works.  I am better at each because I have the other.

6. The other day Greg said he wanted to do a triathlon and then looked confused and said he thought he told me that.  Oh, wait, he remembered, he was talking to Jake at work.  Of course! Let me tell you, if Jake were a girl, I would seriously be worried. 

7.  My nephew Evan is a funny little thing.  He has a seat in my car and wouldn’t get in it the other day cause there were too many crumbs.  He came in the garage the other day and saw the shoes that are usually by the door in a huge pile neatly lined up against the wall and he proudly exclaimed, “oh, you cleaned up the shoes for me!”.  I hope he doesn’t refuse to come to my house at some point cause it is too messy for him…it is a true possibility.

8.  In the day time when Autumn starts acting tired I put her in her car seat for a nap.  Sometimes even, if she resists after I put her in the seat, I actually take her seat out to the car in the garage.  She sleeps in seconds.  A car seat for a bed, a car in the garage for a room.  Whatever works. 

9.  And now it is off to bed (I was going to go play our nightly game of UNO but Owen went up to deal the cards and fell asleep before he could do so).  I am still going to bed so that it can be tomorrow and I can roast some carrots and zucchini.  












Wednesday, June 13, 2012

8 months

I have always said that time they are outside my stomach moves like lightning. Time with this baby isn't any different.

She started crawling a few weeks ago, right around her 8 month birthday. She can wave and clap and thinks she is so neat to be able to do so. She is pulling herself up to stand and I found her doing just that in the front of the basket at Target tonight while I paid. I told her to say dada the other day and much to our surprise she did. Now she will say dada on cue but loves to whisper it for some reason.

She has two teeth, no hair, and is still tiny. She is allergic to corn and we are still working through that. Owen calls her his girl and she cannot get enough of him. She loves to pretend she can't crawl, fall on her tummy and lift her arms and legs and cry until I stand her up.

She loves her binky, her pink blanket and a blue phone rattle. She is not a good assistant at the office. She has a really special smile with her eyes closed that I adore.

She refuses to let us feed her and hates anything on a spoon. She eats peas, grapes, black beans, sweet potatoes, and mangos. Allergies make the food thing slow going.

She naps best in her car seat and naps even better in her car seat in the car. I call her seat her bed and the car her room.

I think we will keep her.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Costly Eating

Angie claims that we have organically eaten away all of our money.  It is true.  Let me give you an example:

We went to the Central Market the other night and we bought 18 Organic Pink Lady Apples.  Any takers on how much they cost?

I am putting this here at the risk of people saying that I don’t wisely spend my money.  Ok, here goes……18 organic apples = $33.00.  Yes.  We bought these apples on Friday night and I think we have 14 or so left.  We usually eat 2-3 apples a day, or 18 apples in a week.  If we eat $33.00 of apples a week, that means during the month of June we could spend $132.00 on APPLES. 

Something is seriously wrong with this picture.  Either, I am insane for buying those apples and the store people laughed all night that someone actually spent that kind of money on them, or the cost of eating organic is too high.  Please bless the answer is B. 

So what is one to do? Get a second job to buy organic? Tell the kids apples are too expensive and they can have Oreos (after all, you get about 36 Oreos for $2.50 or so)? Buy non-organic, which becomes harder and harder to do the more I read and research Autumn’s corn allergy? 

We will keep buying organic cause I feel like we have to and I feel good about it, BUT if I even see a hint of an apple being thrown out, these kids are dead.  If you ask for a coveted sacred apple, you will eat it and fully enjoy it, even if you are eating the apple while wearing your coat around the house…after all, we need to save money to eat apples!