Thursday, October 20, 2011

3 Weeks

I love 3 weeks old.  I love it because this little stranger who has come to live with us is no longer quite a stranger.  When she first arrived, the only thing I knew about her was that I loved her beyond measure, and now, well now I know more.

I know that she likes to wake up twice in a night, usually around 2:00 and 5:00, to eat.  I know that she spits up more than I think she should after she eats.  I know that she doesn’t like to be naked.  I know she likes to sleep with her hands by her face.  I know that when she starts to get really tired she gets fussy and to stop the fussiness she likes to be dressed, wrapped up tight in her blanket (with her hands able to get free) with her binky and snuggled in close.  I know that she likes to sleep in her bouncy seat.  I know that she likes soft piano music. 

I love learning what she likes and doesn’t like. 

I also know some new things about the other two.

Ivy loves to put her face too close to the baby.  She also loves to kiss the baby while leaving her own binky in.  Ivy loves to decide what the baby is going to wear.  Owen loves to hold the baby but wants to make sure she is done spitting up before I give her to him.  He cannot stop kissing her head.  

They love her. 

I love her! 

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BYU Hottie said...

great pictures. She is so alert! What a beautiful little Autumn you are enjoying (pun intended) and we are so happy for your family. :)

Joyce said...

I love the pictures. She is adorable. I like your description of her first weeks too. It is so true how you start out knowing nothing about them and then learn a little bit more about them each day.