2. Greg was leaving for work the other morning and said goodbye to me. He said, "goodbye sweetheart" and Autumn looked all confused and said, "why did he say that?". I told her because he loved me. She looked all serious and said, "so, you two are married?"
3. Little Ivy can't stand when she isn't the best. I was looking at pictures of Owen last night from when he was three. I mentioned how funny he was and true to form, Ivy responded that she was too. This happens every time a conversation like that happens.
4. We are finally feeling better and back to normal from Owen's sickness. It took a lot out of us and threw our lives in a tailspin, but a month later and we seem to be getting our life back. Two more days of dr appts and hopefully we are done!
5. Greg tried to teach me how to do the baseball book tonight. I offered to do it last week and tonight during our lesson I quit.
6. Every night when I snuggle by Autumn she sits up and says "I need your arm". I have to put my arm behind her and snuggle her in tight.
7. Ivy has a practice for gymnastics on Saturday when they will decide if she moves up to the next level. This whole competitive sports thing is not for the faint of heart. (And the kids are fine, it is me who struggles.)
8. Last week Owen and Ryan couldn't spell cousin. I told them I would buy a prize for the first one to spell it right. It took a minute and a lot of guesses, and much to the boys' dismay, Ivy figured it out first. She went into Fred Meyer and picked out a toy. In an effort to calm their concerns that they lost to Ivy, I offered up a spelling test today. They were given 32 words to study for the week and I am happy to report they both received 100% today and each earned a prize.
9. When Owen got sick, Greg's work was amazing about it. I love his new job.
10. Yesterday I was less than amused when I found Greg was still sound asleep when he should have been getting ready to take Owen to karate. After I took Owen myself, Greg apologized and asked why I didn't wake him up sooner. Yep, apparently I am in charge of waking them all up to get ready to go. Not amazing at all.
11. I haven't done yoga for awhile. I feel the time is near to start again.
And there are 11 things worth noting.