Tuesday, September 10, 2013

That made a good day

Two things started this day right 

1. I put on a little orange dress for court today and Owen turned to me and said, "you do always look so good in that dress". Ha! Sweet little son. 

2. The carpool was looking very suspicious on the way to school today when suddenly they all started laughing. One of the twins announced that Owen and Jordyn were holding hands. They all screamed with laughter and became embarrassed. Jordyn declared Owen did it, to which I believe 100%. 

I will have to watch that boy. As an aside,  he went through the yearbook and found the cutest girl in every class the other night. Trouble in the making that one... He takes after his dad. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Reasons to hide from school

School has arrived, and although I mostly like it, for three reasons I would consider homeschooling. Here they are in no particular order. 

1. Packing Owen's lunch. Honestly, it is horrible on so many levels. He barely likes anything, I try to limit his wheat intake, and add to that the poor child in his class with life threatening egg, dairy, and peanut allergies, leaving me to wonder if everything that is in his lunchbox could be dangerous. It is awful I tell you, and it just got more awful when I found out today that he needs a healthy snack everyday. The healthy snack is in his lunchbox!! 

2. Bedtime. Curse bedtime in fact. We barely have a routine, getting ready for bed around here mostly consists of me asking kids to get in their pajamas and those children laughing silently to themselves as they just don't. It is quite heroic if they are in bed by 9:30, and please take note I did not say asleep by 9:30 (that is another battle all together). 

3. Getting up.  That is all on that. It is self explanatory. 

Well, since homeschooling is not in the cards, I put the kids to bed last night,  got up this morning, and packed Owen a lunch.  

Not much else I can do I suppose. Carry on!!