That girl loves to shop. She was so full of life and energy as she tried things on, looked for her size, and decided what she liked. She would have stayed there all night if I let her. In fact, the only way she was willing to leave was when I told her we could go to other stores today.
We finally left the store at 10:00. The second we got home she started busily telling Greg about shopping and started to lay out all her clothes for the world to have a better look. Once we had taken sufficient pictures to her liking of the line of clothes, she decided she would take a bag upstairs and clean out her drawers to make room for the new clothes. She left for a bit and came back down with two bags and declared she was giving all her old clothes away. I am quite sure what we bought last night does not have drawer filling ability and when I said we could look today, I meant another shirt or two. I realize now she envisioned walking through the door looking like Pretty Woman, excessive bags in hand.
When she woke up today, the first words out of her mouth related to shopping with a gentle reminder to make sure we went today.
She is sitting next to me reciting over and over what we need to do today and the things we forgot to buy, including the tap shoes and ballet shoes for her new dance class.
She is doing dance, gymnastics, and swimming. She has put in a request for soccer and T-ball. She is going to school everyday, including one full day and can't wait to eat lunch at school. Add all of that to her obsession for shopping and the fact that she just turned 4 two months ago, and I hope I can keep up with her as she gets older!
She is crazy, but truth be told, I am a little obsessed with her.